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Shopping center Business center Congress hall
Tenants Photogallery

All roads lead to the capital!

Business Center "Stolitsa" is a leader in creating favorable conditions for business activities in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
10 floors, business center with the total area of 5760 m2  - all these are the components for effective business management and the most comfortable conditions for employees and visitors.

You can get acquainted with the internal regulations of the Stolitsa Shopping and Business center here.

Tenants are provided with the conditions of class «A» business center:

  • convenient location of the building, decorated in the style of «premium»
  • office space of free planning with a fine finish
  • elevators «OTIS»
  • 24-hour indoor parking
  • emergency power supply system
  • the opportunity to do the shopping by getting to the shopping centre through the glass transition between the buildings
  • Access to the congress hall, where you can hold presentations, conferences and other events of the highest leve.
  • subsidiary of one of the largest banks in Russia
  • «Sparta» gym on the ground floor
  • Lounge-restaurant, convenient both for business meetings and for romantic dates, with a beautiful view of the city and Mount Rossiiskaya

Rooms available for rent


Komsomolskaya str., 259 «V»
Daily from
10.00 to 20.00
8 (4242)45-33-31,
8(962) 416 -16-52

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