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Trademark "Fabrika Vkusa" is a well-known and popular brand in Sakhalin, which produces various semifinished food: pelmeni, vareniki, cabbage rolls, pancakes with different fillings, meat and fish delicacies, as well as various salads, bakery and confectionery.

The assortment of goods produced by "Fabrika Vkusa" totals more than 1000 items. Owing to the unique concept and continuous development, "Fabrika Vkusa" is nowadays a powerful production, capable of offering its goods at the lowest prices, as in its production it uses raw materials only from local producers and suppliers.
We give our customers an opportunity to enjoy every purchase, our partners - to build mutually beneficial, longterm, reliable and open relationships, and to our employees - to constantly develop and receive a decent payment for their labor.
The goods produced by "Fabrika Vkusa" can be purchased in the chain of supermarkets "Stolichny", "Gastronom", "City-Market".

«Stolichny» is the biggest supermarket chain in Sakhalin, numbering more than 15 outlets in the region.

One of the biggest grocery stores in the territory of the Sakhalin region. The supermarket chain has more than 8 outlets in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Dolinsk. In the assortment of the supermarket there is a wide choice of food and alcohol including elite brands.

Our partners