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Loyalty program Shops
Cafes & restaurants Services Photogallery Floor plans
Shopping center Business center Congress hall
Ground floor


Working hours:

с 10.00 до 20.00

On the ground floor there is a huge supermarket "Stolichny". Here everything is done differently, even instead of the usual yellow-green colors, different monochrome colors in the style of hi-tech are used. You will be pleased with the richest assortment of the most high-quality food and goods which is a characteristic for all supermarkets "Stolichny". The shop is equipped with modern trade equipment by leading manufacturers from Italy, France and Finland. Everything is thought through to the smallest detail, for the customers we prepared a lot of surprises and novelties, up to the original design of shopping baskets and trolleys.

On the shelves of the supermarket there are as well  small household goods needed in every kitchen.
But the main "highlight" of "Stolichny" is the culinary products of "Fabrika Vkusa". Right in front of the customers, experienced chefs skillfully create all sorts of culinary masterpieces that you can immediately buy and try.

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