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RESO-Garantia is a universal insurance company established in 1991. The company has a license for more than 100 types of insurance services and reinsurance activities.
Insurance Joint Stock Company "RESO-Garantia" (CAO "RESO-Garantia") provides a wide range of insurance services for individuals and legal entities. Priority areas of activity are auto insurance (CASCO and CTP, as well as DGO), voluntary medical insurance, property insurance of individuals and legal entities, mortgage insurance, tourist insurance, accident insurance and other types. Accumulative life insurance is offered by the subsidiary company "RESO-Garantia Life Insurance Company".
RESO-Garantia is an agency company, it employs over 29 thousand agents and brokers. The branch network - one of the largest in Russia - includes more than 1,200 branches and sales offices in all regions of Russia. RESO-Guarantee products and services are used by about 11 million customers - organizations and individuals.


National and international rankings 
Since 2009, the rating agency "Expert RA" (RAEX) annually confirms the reliability rating of RESO-Guarantee. Currently, the company has been assigned a rating of "ruAA+". "NKR Rating Agency" assigned RESO-Garantia a Credit rating "ААА.ги ".


International standards 
In 2011, RESO-Garantia received a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008. The certificate certifies that the quality management system RESO-Guarantee, in relation to insurance and reinsurance, meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 and business processes in the company comply with international standards. In 2016, the quality level was confirmed by the GOST ISO 9001-2015 certificate.


Public recognition
The company is the winner of the national competition "People's Brand/Brand No. 1 in Russia" in the nomination "Insurance Company". RESO-Garantia in 2022 took the 134th place in the rating "Expert - 600. The largest companies in Russia".

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